Friday, October 25, 2013

2013: Session Eighteen


We went out this morning on a materials run.

The first stop was to State Line Auctions in North Canaan, CT where Tommy let us pick through a mystery box (he reserved the right of first choice though). We got some broken blue willow pattern plates and other goodies.

Then up Route 7 to Habitat for Humanity This and That store. Other good stuff including: an "Our Gang" (can you identify the kids) poster (that we can cut up), Tinker Toys and Erector Set parts (that we can use as printing plates or stamps) to create patterns with (or use as element parts), a bowl of balls (maybe use as weaved rolling print wheels), brass fasteners and other items (to use as is in some way or to deconstruct).

Joel found a huge book of Connecticut state statues. He randomly opened to the page, "State hospitals for the Insane". Anyone like to comment on that?

Oh, I bought this cool Romani hat. A Fein-Kaller (Medjugorji Jugoslavia) with feathers and all. Love it!

We made a few other stops between Canaan and Lee, Mass. (including lunch) and picked up a few other random items.

Keep following and see what happens with these items.

Friday, October 18, 2013

2013: Session Seventeen

This morning we met and discussed:

Use of different materials... the panels... using elements on the panels as parts... taking the elements off the panels and putting them into a box to choose from for making new elements... leaving the elements on the panels and using them as parts... using the existing composition on the panels as parts and creating with them... evolving the work... elements change... move... the ones that come through our process are the ones that become the new composition... where to hang the panels as a staging area... the advantages of having the panels now to build off of... window elements... see through elements... venues  where we could install the next iteration of 'What it is now'... field trips to gather more materials...

Very productive discussion...

Tune in next week to see what happens.

PS: One thing is (almost) certain though that the composition and the elements that are currently installed at the David. M. Hunt Library in Falls Village, Connecticut will surely change. So if you want to see it as, 'What it is now.' you have until November 22, 2013. Get on over there!

David M. Hunt Library
63 Main Street, Falls Village Connecticut

Library Hours:
Tuesday 10-5
Wednesday 2-8
Thursday 10-5
Friday 2-6
Saturday 10-2

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Red Dots at the Hunt Library

Current sales of elements as of 2:00pm EST, October 16, 2013 (stop by choose your element)..
(click image below to see larger version) 

Thanks for all the Red Dots so far!

ANY elements of this composition may be purchased.
Any element can be detached.
Pay what you want! $25 to $100 per element (now).

A portion of all purchases goes to support this wonderful library.  

Other works in exhibition:

Title: Reliquary
Artist:Diane Schapira

Title: There's always a way out
Medium:Mixed Media
Price: $200
Artist:Joel Schapira

Title:Blue Heron (SOLD)
Medium: Ceramic
Artist: Joey Sage Jablonski

Title:“Well, I dreamed I saw the silver space ships flying…”
Medium:Mixed Media
Price: $200
Artist: Bernard Re, Jr.

Medium: Ceramic
Price: NFS
Artist: Diane Schapira and Joey Sage Jablonski

David M. Hunt Library

63 Main Street, Falls Village Connecticut

Library Hours:

Tuesday 10-5

Wednesday 2-8

Thursday 10-5

Friday 2-6

Saturday 10-2

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Three more elements are off on new adventures

Garth wants Element Number 45.
And Zoe has two elements Number 61 and Number 66.

An element bound for England

There was just one request regarding Element Number 26... order to get into the suitcase it needed to be just a little smaller. So Joel said, "Why not."
We talked for a while about her art project, "Reflections". So I took one. Very nice talking with you please keep in touch and all the best on your art.

Deconstruction (or elements sold and removed)

What shall I buy?
We did this number chart of the elements in the composition
ready for deconstruction.
Number 28. I'll take this one...
I can just take it off?
I have it now.
And I'm keeping it!
And number 53 too.
What fun! We think we'll fill the hole with a photo of the person who bought the element.

What fun!

Friday, October 11, 2013

2013: Hunt Library Opening Reception

What it is now.
Signing our guest book.
Refreshments ("...there will be snacks..."
Enjoying the composition and...
Making something to put up on the interactive panel!
Interactive panel. What will it become?

Our individual work.
More photo posts at these links...

Deconstruction (purchase of elements) begins!

An element is bound for England!

Three more elements off on adventures!

It was a fun and wonderful evening. We hope you can stop by the Library to see the wall and do a little "deconstructing" by purchasing an element to remove from the wall.

2013: Session Sixteen

Make something for the community panel.

Sign our guest book.
Or draw us something on a page.
Then it will change.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013