Artist Statement: Joey Sage Jablonski

Joey Sage Jablonski

Joey Sage Jablonski is a ceramic artist who creates sculpture, wheel-thrown pottery and teaches clay art.  She completed her bachelors at UMass and her masters degree at UConn.  Her skill in throwing on the wheel comes from three years of apprenticeship at Greenleaf Pottery with John Macomber, an accomplished functional potter of more than 40 years. 

Since then, she has worked an additional seventeen years as a studio potter developing her own techniques including workshops with Gerry Williams, Karen Karnes, Jeff Oestrich, Winne Owens Hart, Hayne Bayless and sculpture classes at both Lyme Academy of Fine Arts and UConn’s School of Fine Arts.  Her apprenticeship with a master potter and study at Lyme Academy has formed the basis of an exploration into the representational and the abstract, the functional and the decorative. 

In her studio she teaches pottery and creates beautifully crafted bowls as well as evocative sculptures, blurring the lines between art and craft.  Her work appears locally in numerous Connecticut shops as well as in the Berkshires, shops across the country and recently, her own gallery in Canaan, CT.  She has also traveled extensively, studying pottery and sculpture in many parts of the world. 

Visit her website at

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